2014/9/12 0 18171


What major advantages do energy-saving buildings have? 
1 ) Buildings with the new system are healthier and more comfortable than other buildings to live in because the buildings are cold in summer and hot in winter with the application of the system...
 2) Operation cost of heating in winter and air-conditioning in summer is cut sharply...


What qualities should underground water temperature have? 
The underground water temperature should not be too low for engine set operation. Taking Beijing as example, the normal temperature of well water is about 10-15 degrees .However, the temperature will be as low as 8 degree when water is used as the working medium of the secondary circulation system


How is daily hot water supplied? What is the temperature?
The daily hot water supply system resides in the cooling and heating engine room and is set with the using the specifications of the daily hot water system terminal. The temperature is 70 degrees with a smaller flow and 50 degrees with larger flow


Is the energy promoter system operation complicated?   
Energy promoter system is equipped with advanced electronic regulator (long-distance monitoring service is available when necessary. Therefore, the operation is very simple. Even people without related knowledge are able to operate the system after 3-5 days of training

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